Let's run some numbers:
Bluefin tuna are found in the Mediterranean Sea, Western Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean and are used in most sushi restaurants in Japan and New York.
On average a bluefin tuna grows to about 6.5ft and weighs 550 pounds. One tuna sells for $15 to $45 a pound and therefore, on average, cost anywhere between US$8,250 (TT$50,325) and US$24,750 (TT$$150,975). With these numbers in mind, we can start to see why these animals are highly prized and sought after.Bluefin tuna can take up to 12 years to reach sexual maturity and at this age they the ideal size for fishermen to catch and obtain a substantially large pay check. However what isn't taken to mind is that these fish have either never spawned before or have spawned once maybe three times in their lifetime and therefore a perfectly healthy fish and many other lives are killed when one mature tuna is killed.
Fig1: Processing of a Bluefin tuna by Scott Smith (bluefin tuna sampling).
Shark fin soup is a delicacy in China that sells for $100 a bowl. Shark fins are rather tasteless and the soup is therefore flavored with another type of broth such as chicken. The fins are used to add texture to the dish.
In order to obtain the shark fins the sharks first have to be caught. After this the fins are removed from the shark while it is still alive and then its body is thrown back into the ocean most often alive. This animal then has to endure a slow death by either drowning because it ant get oxygenated water into its gills or by being eaten alive by other fish and or sharks.
Fig2: Shark fins laid out to dry in Hong Kong. Photo by Antony Dickson.
Fig3: A dead shark on the bottom of the ocean after being finned.
(Photo from http://www.chinatownology.com/shark_fin_soup.html)
The Patagonian Toothfish or Chilean Seabass, is another marine animal that has been overfished. These fish are found in Patagonia South America with the adults living near the bottom (approximately 3800 meters below the surface) and feeding on other smaller fish. These fish can grow up to 2 meters in length and 200 pounds and take approximately 8 to 10 years to reach sexual maturity. These fish cost around US$4.55 (TT$ 27.76) per pound which is US$910 (TT$5,551) per fish. You may be wondering how are these fish exploited if they live so far down in the ocean? These fish are mainly caught by longline ( use of a long, branched fishing line) in deep waters and sometimes by trawling, which as we discussed in a previous blog also harms the coral and marine ecosystem in the long run. However, measures have been put in the place that have allowed these fish to replenish themselves. such measures include limiting the amount of fish that can be caught legally at any one time and all Patagonian toothfish sold in Australia are to be documented.
Fig4: Tray of dead Patagonian toothfish from Huffington post UK. |
- Cost of bluefin- https://www.howmuchisit.org/bluefin-tuna-cost/
- Size of bluefin tuna- https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/bluefin-tuna
- Dangers of shark meat- https://www.sharksider.com/shark-meat-delicacy-dangerous/
- Patagonian- http://goodfishbadfish.com.au/?fish=patagonian-toothfish
- Size of Patagonian- https://oceana.org/marine-life/ocean-fishes/patagonian-toothfish
- Cost of Patagonian- http://thefishproject.weebly.com/iuu-fishing-of-the-patagonian-toothfish.html
- Amount of money fishing industry losses- http://overfishingdilemma.weebly.com/costs-of-overfishing.html
The numbers you used to project your data has forced me to look at the issue in a whole different light. It is very informative.
ReplyDeleteThose numbers are overwhelming.Something needs to be done about overfishing